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Analytical Methods in Theory of Slot-Hole Coupling of Electrodynamic Volumes
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 70, 79-174, 2007
The approximate analytical solution of the integral equation concerning the equivalent magnetic current in the narrow slot, coupling two electrodynamic volumes, has been obtained by the averaging method. The formulas and the plots for currents and the coupling coefficients of longitudinal and transverse slots in the common walls of rectangular waveguides are represented. By means of the induced magnetomotive forces method using basis functions of current distribution, obtained by the averaging method, the following electrodynamic structures have been considered: the electrically long longitudinal slot in the common broad wall of rectangular waveguides; two symmetrical transverse slots in the common broad wall of rectangular waveguides; the transverse slots system in the common broad wall of rectangular waveguides. The problem about the resonant iris with the arbitrary oriented slot in the plane of cross-section of a rectangular waveguide has been solved by the averaging method. The problem about stepped junction of two semi-infinite rectangular waveguides with the impedance slotted iris has been solved by the induced magnetomotive forces method. The analytical formulas for the distributed surface impedance of homogeneous and inhomogeneous magnetodielectric coatings of iris surface have been obtained. For a greater number of the considered electrodynamic structures the calculated values are compared with the results, obtained by numerical methods (also using commercial programs) and the experimental data.
Mikhail Nesterenko, V. Katrich, Yuriy M. Penkin, and Sergey L. Berdnik, "Analytical Methods in Theory of Slot-Hole Coupling of Electrodynamic Volumes," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 70, 79-174, 2007.

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