Vol. 74
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Two-Dimensional Electromagnetic Scattering of Non-Plane Incident Waves by Periodic Structures
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 74, 241-271, 2007
This paper proposes the pseudo-periodic Fourier transform to analyze the electromagnetic scattering from periodic structures with non-plane wave incidence. The pseudo-periodic Fourier transform converts arbitrary field components into pseudo-periodic functions and the conventional grating theories based on the Floquet theorem become applicable. The inverse transform is given by integrating with respect to the transform parameter over a finite interval and the near field analysis requires numerical integration. Some application examples are numerically examined and the results show good convergence.
Koki Watanabe, and Kiyotoshi Yasumoto, "Two-Dimensional Electromagnetic Scattering of Non-Plane Incident Waves by Periodic Structures," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 74, 241-271, 2007.

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