Vol. 80
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Mutual External Inductance in Stripline Structures
, Vol. 80, 349-368, 2008
The Method of Edge Currents (MEC) proposed in our previous paper [1] is applied herein for calculating the mutual external inductance associated with fringing magnetic fields that wrap ground planes of a stripline structure. This method employs a quasi-static approach, image theory, and direct magnetic field integration. The resultant mutual external inductance is frequency-independent. The approach has been applied to estimating mutual inductance for both symmetrical and asymmetrical stripline structures. Offset of the signal trace from the centered position both in horizontal and vertical directions is taken into account in asymmetrical structures. The results are compared with numerical simulations using the CST Microwave Studio Software.
Marina Koledintseva, James Drewniak, Thomas Van Doren, David Pommerenke, Matteo Cocchini, and David Hockanson, "Mutual External Inductance in Stripline Structures," , Vol. 80, 349-368, 2008.

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