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A Note on Spherical Electromagnetic Wave Diffraction by a Perfectly Conducting Strip in a Homogeneous BI-Isotropic Medium
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 85, 169-194, 2008
We have studied the problem of diffraction of an electromagnetic spherical wave by a perfectly conducting finite strip in a homogeneous bi-isotropic medium and obtained some improved results. The problem was solved by using the Wiener-Hopf technique and Fourier transform. The scattered field in the far zone was determined by the method of steepest descent. The significance of the present analysis was that it recovered the results when a strip was widened into a half plane.
Muhammad Ayub, Muhammad Ramzan, and Amer Bilal Mann, "A Note on Spherical Electromagnetic Wave Diffraction by a Perfectly Conducting Strip in a Homogeneous BI-Isotropic Medium," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 85, 169-194, 2008.

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