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Tunable TE/TM Wave Splitter Using a Gyrotropic Slab
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 85, 367-380, 2008
A TE/TM wave splitter composed of a gyrotropic slab is proposed. We demonstrate theoretically that, when the working frequency is chosen to be within one of the two ranges, total reflection occurs at the boundary of a slab of gyrotropic medium for either TE or TM component of the incident waves. Tuning can be done by choosing the working frequency band or adjusting the applied magnetic field. Furthermore, within the TE-stop or TM-stop frequency region, if the incident angle is selected appropriately, the other polarized component of the wave is totally transmitted. And we also show that when the slab is thicker, there are more possibilities to satisfy the full-pass condition. Finite-element method simulations verified the theoretical results.
Hui Huang, Yu Fan, Bae-Ian Wu, and Jin Au Kong, "Tunable TE/TM Wave Splitter Using a Gyrotropic Slab," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 85, 367-380, 2008.

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