Vol. 106
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Planar UWB Antenna with 5 GHz Band Rejection Switching Function at Ground Plane
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 106, 321-333, 2010
The design of an octagonal-shaped microstrip-fed planar monopole antenna for ultrawideband (UWB) operation is studied. Two inverted T-shaped slits are embedded on the ground plane to allow band rejection characteristic from 5 to 6 GHz (for VSWR < 2). To enable switching capability for this band rejection function, a PIN diode is connected to each slit via a specified chip inductor that will be further investigated. Several prototypes were constructed and the measured results show that the proposed antenna can provide an operating bandwidth from 3.07 to 10.7 GHz, except for the rejected band. Simulation analyses are also carried out to validate the experimental results.
Chow-Yen-Desmond Sim, Wen-Tsan Chung, and Ching-Her Lee, "Planar UWB Antenna with 5 GHz Band Rejection Switching Function at Ground Plane," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 106, 321-333, 2010.

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2. Lin, C.-C. and H.-R. Chuang, "A 3-12 GHz UWB planar triangular monopole antenna with ridged ground-plane," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 83, 307-321, 2008.

3. Khani, H. and P. Azmi, "Performance analysis of a high data rate UWB-DTR system in dense multipath channels," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 5, 119-131, 2008.

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8. Dehdasht-Heydari, R., H. R. Hassani, and A. R. Mallahzadeh, "Quad ridged horn antenna for UWB applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 79, 23-38, 2008.

9. Han, T.-Y., C.-Y.-D. Sim, and W.-C. Wu, "Planar multilateral disc monopole antenna with variable band-notch function for Bluetooth/UWB applications," Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 23, No. 17-18, 2289-2299, Dec. 2009.

10. Fallahi, R., A. A. Kalteh, and M. G. Roozbahani, "A novel UWB elliptical slot antenna with band-notched characteristics," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 82, 127-136, 2008.

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12. Lin, Y. C. and K. J. Hung, "Compact ultrawideband rectangular aperture antenna and band-notched designs," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., Vol. 54, 3075-3081, 2006.

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14. Lee, S. H., J. W. Bail, and Y. S. Kim, "A coplanar waveguide fed monopole ultra-wideband antenna having band-notched frequency function by two folded-striplines," Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett., Vol. 49, 2747-2750, 2006.

15. Luo, C. H., C. M. Lee, W. S. Chen, C. H. Tu, and Y. Z. Juang, "Dual band-notched monopole antenna with an annular CPW-feeding structure," Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett., Vol. 49, 2376-2379, 2007.

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20. Sim, C.-Y.-D., W.-T. Chung, and C.-H. Lee, "Printed UWB monopole antenna embedded with L-shaped slots in the ground plane for 5 GHz band-notch function," Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 22, No. 14-15, 1965-1974, Dec. 2008.

21. Sim, C. Y. D., W. T. Chung, and C. H. Lee, "An octagonal UWB monopole antenna with 5 GHz band-notch function," Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett., Vol. 51, 74-78, 2009.

22. Sim, C. Y. D., W. T. Chung, and C. H. Lee, "A circular-disc monopole antenna with band-rejection function for ultrawideband application," Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett., Vol. 51, 1607-1613, 2009.

23. Shameena, V. A., M. N. Suma, K. Raj Rohith, P. C. Bybi, and P. Mohanan, "Compact ultra-wideband planar serrated antenna with notch band ON/OFF control," Electron. Lett., Vol. 42, 1323-1324, 2006.

24. Yoon, S. W., L. H. Truong, H. S. Lee, E. J. Park, H. M. Park, J. K. Rhee, and H. C. Park, "UWB antenna with frequency diversity characteristics using PIN-diode switches," ICACT 11th Int. Conf. Advanced Comm. Technol., 344-346, 2009.

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26. Antonino, E., M. Cabedo, M. Ferando, and M. Baquero, "Compact ultra-wideband planar serrated antenna with notch band ON/OFF control," Electron. Lett., Vol. 42, 1323-1324, 2006.