Vol. 106
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Flexible Uniplanar Artificial Magnetic Conductor
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 106, 349-362, 2010
The design of a flexible uniplanar AMC is presented. A prototype is manufactured and characterized based on reflection coe±cient phase under flat and bent conditions. The designed prototype shows broad AMC operation bandwidth and polarization angle independency in both flat and bent situations. Its angular margin when operating under oblique incidence is also tested. FEM simulations and measurements in an anechoic chamber are presented.
María Elena de Cos Gómez, Yuri Alvarez-Lopez, Ramona Cosmina Hadarig, and Fernando Las Heras Andres, "Flexible Uniplanar Artificial Magnetic Conductor," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 106, 349-362, 2010.

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