Vol. 118
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Attenuation in Extended Structures Coated with Thin Magneto-Dielectric Absorber Layer
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 118, 441-459, 2011
Thin absorbing layers containing magnetic alloy or ferrite inclusions can be effectively used for attenuating common-mode currents on extended structures, such as power cords, cables, or edge-coupled microstrip lines. An analytical model to evaluate attenuation on the coaxial line with the central conductor coated with a magneto-dielectric layer is proposed and validated by the experiments and numerical modeling. The analytical model is validated using available magneto-dielectric samples of different thicknesses. This model can serve for comparing and predicting the absorptive properties of different samples of magneto-dielectric materials, whose compositions may be unknown, but dielectric and magnetic properties can be determined by independent measurements over the specified frequency ranges. From modeling the absorption in a coaxial line with a wrapped central conductor, it could be concluded whether it is reasonable to use this particular material in such applications as a shield on an Ethernet or other cable, for reducing potential common-mode currents and unwanted radiation in the frequency range of interest.
Marina Koledintseva, Alexander G. Razmadze, Aleksandr Y. Gafarov, Victor V. Khilkevich, James Drewniak, and Takanori Tsutaoka, "Attenuation in Extended Structures Coated with Thin Magneto-Dielectric Absorber Layer," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 118, 441-459, 2011.

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