Vol. 120
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Parallel Implementation of a 3D Subgridding FDTD Algorithm for Large Simulations
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 120, 263-292, 2011
In a previous paper, we proposed and tested a robust and efficient three-dimensional (3-D) subgridding algorithm for the FDTD solution method of the Maxwell's curl PDEs system. Its characteristic feature is the straight, non-recursive, embedding of Yee grids - refined by factors of 3, 5, 7 and even larger - within coarser ones. There, the algorithm's implementation was described with the traditional serial programming approach. In the present paper, we propose and test its parallel programming implementation. The goal is to make it suitable and efficient for large scale electromagnetic simulations.
Alessandro Vaccari, Antonino Cala' Lesina, L. Cristoforetti, and R. Pontalti, "Parallel Implementation of a 3D Subgridding FDTD Algorithm for Large Simulations," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 120, 263-292, 2011.

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