Vol. 122
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Point-Point Fixed Wireless and Broadcasting Services Coexistence with IMT-Advanced System
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 122, 537-555, 2012
Spectrum sharing analysis is remarkably important in investigating the possibility for coexistence between IMT-Advanced system and existing wireless services when operating in the same or adjacent frequency channel. The frequency band, 470-862 MHz, is currently allocating to TV broadcasting services (TVBS) and sub-bands within it are also allocated to fixed wireless access (FWA) service. Recently, international telecommunication union-radio (ITU-R) sector has allocated sub-bands within 470-862 MHz for IMT-Advanced systems. This concurrent operation causes destructive interference that influences the coexisting feasibility between IMT-Advanced and these existing services, FWA and broadcasting. This paper addresses a timely and topical problem dealing with spectrum sharing and coexistence between IMT-Advanced systems and both FWA and TVBS within 790-862 MHz. Co-channel and adjacent channel with an overlapping band and with or without guard band are intersystem interference scenarios investigated. The deterministic analysis is carried out by spectral emission mask (SEM) technique as well as interference to noise ratio graph. Various significant factors such as channel width, propagation path lengths, environments losses, and additional losses due to antenna discrimination which influence the feasibility of coexistence are evaluated. Feasible coexistence coordination procedures in terms of carrier frequency offset, separation distance, coverage cell size and required additional isolation are suggested.
Zaid Ahmed Shamsan, Tharek Bin Abdul Rahman, and Abdulaziz Mohammed Al-Hetar, "Point-Point Fixed Wireless and Broadcasting Services Coexistence with IMT-Advanced System," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 122, 537-555, 2012.

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