Vol. 122
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Target Detection in Pulse-Train MIMO Radars Applying Ica Algorithms
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 122, 413-435, 2012
In this paper, the problem of target detection in co-located ``multi-input multi-output" (MIMO) radars is considered. A pulse-train signaling is assumed to be used in this system. As the doppler effect should be considered for the pulse-train signaling, we are confronted by a compound hypothesis testing problem, so in this paper a Generalized Likelihood Ratio (GLR) detector is derived. The high complexity of this detector makes us derive a new detector based on the theory of Independent Component Analysis (ICA). It is shown that the computational load of the ICA-based detector is much less than the GLR detector. It is also shown that the sensitivity of the ICA-based detector to the doppler effect is very low. According to this approach, an appropriate signal design method is presented, based on the separation performance of the ICA algorithms. It is shown that independent random sequences are proper signals in the sense of detection performance.
Majid Hatam, Abbas Sheikhi, and Mohammad Ali Masnadi-Shirazi, "Target Detection in Pulse-Train MIMO Radars Applying Ica Algorithms," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 122, 413-435, 2012.

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