Vol. 125
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Inhomogeneous Planar Layered Chiral Media: Analysis of Wave Propagation and Scattering Using Taylor's Series Expansion
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 125, 119-135, 2012
In this paper, an analytic frequency domain method based on Taylor's series expansion approach is introduced to analyze inhomogeneous planar layered chiral media for an arbitrary linear combination of TM and TE polarizations. In the presented method, electromagnetic parameters of inhomogeneous chiral media and also the electric and magnetic fields are expressed using Taylor's series expansion. Finally, the validity of the method is verified considering some special types of homogeneous and inhomogeneous chiral media and comparison of the obtained results from the presented method with the exact solutions.
Davoud Zarifi, Ali Abdolali, Mohammad Soleimani, and Vahid Nayyeri, "Inhomogeneous Planar Layered Chiral Media: Analysis of Wave Propagation and Scattering Using Taylor's Series Expansion," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 125, 119-135, 2012.

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