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Simple Traffic Surveillance System Based on Range-Doppler Radar Images
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 125, 343-364, 2012
A simple traffic surveillance system based on the extraction of features from range-Doppler radar images is addressed. The concept exploits the High-Resolution Radars (HRR) properties. Specifically, a procedure is proposed to obtain some features from the HRR non-cooperative targets to enable their classification. These features are the distance, radial velocity, radial longitudinal dimension of the target, its integrated range-Doppler image based on a group of range-Doppler frames from each target, and both the coherent and non-coherent integrated range profiles. Experimental results from real scenarios using a high-resolution Linear-Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave (LFMCW) millimetre-wave radar are shown.
Jaime Calvo-Gallego, and F. Pérez-Martínez, "Simple Traffic Surveillance System Based on Range-Doppler Radar Images," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 125, 343-364, 2012.

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