Vol. 133
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Data Acquisition and Processing of Parallel Frequency SAR Based on Compressive Sensing
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 133, 199-215, 2013
Traditional synthetic aperture radar (SAR) utilizes Shannon-Nyquist theorem for high bandwidth signal sampling, which induces the complicated system, and it is difficult to transmit and process a huge amount of data caused by high A/D rate. Compressive sensing (CS) indicates that the compressible signal using a few measurements can be reconstructed by solving a convex optimization problem. A novel SAR based on CS theory, named as parallel frequencies SAR (PFSAR), is proposed in this paper. PFSAR transmits a set of narrow bandwidth signals which compose the large total bandwidth. Therefore PFSAR only uses much less data to obtain the same resolution SAR image compared with a traditional SAR system. The data acquisition mode of PFSAR is developed and an algorithm of target scene reconstruction in pursuance of compressive sensing applied to PFSAR is proposed. The azimuth imaging of PFSAR is carried out based on Doppler Effect, and then, the range imaging is performed by using compressive sensing of parallel frequencies signal. Several simulations demonstrate the feasibility and superiority of PFSAR via compressive sensing.
Yanan You, Huaping Xu, Chun-Sheng Li, and Lvqian Zhang, "Data Acquisition and Processing of Parallel Frequency SAR Based on Compressive Sensing," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 133, 199-215, 2013.

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