Vol. 138
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An Impedance-Permeability Self-Resonance of Inductance Coil with Metamaterials
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 138, 21-30, 2013
An impedance-permeability (Z-μr) resonance phenomenon is firstly founded and numerically demonstrated when electromagnetic metamaterials with negative permeability are firstly introduced into inductance coil. Numerical results reveal that the impedance-permeability relationship exhibits an extraordinary self-resonant phenomenon at a certain negative value of relative permeability, which is related to the dimensions of the core but nearly independent to the coil size. Such a mechanism is proposed to increase the sensitivity of eddy current (EC) sensors up to about 270 times, offering a new method to greatly improve the sensitivity of EC sensors and the spatial resolution with micrometer scale.
Qiang Yu, Qian Zhao, and Yonggang Meng, "An Impedance-Permeability Self-Resonance of Inductance Coil with Metamaterials," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 138, 21-30, 2013.

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