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Circuit and Multipolar Approaches to Investigate the Balance of Powers in 2D Scattering Problems (Invited Paper)
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 142, 799-823, 2013
Circuit and multipolar approaches are presented to investigate the correlation between absorption and scattering processes in 2D problems. This investigation was inspired by earlier works of Prof.R.E. Collin, which pointed out deficiencies of the Th'evenin/Norton circuit models to evaluate the scattered and absorbed powers associated with receiving antennas and, thus, encouraged research on new analytical tools to address these problems. Power balance results are obtained with both circuit and multipolar approaches that are fully consistent. This analysis serves to illustrate how the correlation between absorption and scattering processes results in upper bounds for their power magnitudes, as well as stringent design trade-offs in both far-field and near-field source and scattering technologies.
Inigo Liberal, Inigo Ederra, Ramon Gonzalo, and Richard Ziolkowski, "Circuit and Multipolar Approaches to Investigate the Balance of Powers in 2D Scattering Problems (Invited Paper)," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 142, 799-823, 2013.

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