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Generic InP -Based Integration Technology: Present and Prospects (Invited Review)
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 147, 23-35, 2014
The generic foundry approach will lead to a revolution in micro and nanophotonics, just as it did in microelectronics thirty years ago. Generic integration leads to a drastic reduction in the entry costs for developing Photonic Integrated Circuits. Integrated circuits using generic integration open up a whole new range of applications including data communications, fiber-to-the-home, fiber sensors, gas sensing, medical diagnostics, metrology and consumer photonics. Present status and prospects of InP-based photonic foundry technology are reviewed.
Giovanni Gilardi, and Meint K. Smit, "Generic InP -Based Integration Technology: Present and Prospects (Invited Review)," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 147, 23-35, 2014.

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