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New Design of All-Optical Slow Light Tdm Structure Based on Photonic Crystals
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 146, 89-97, 2014
This work demonstrates an all-optical slow light Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) structure based on photonic crystals (PCs). The structure shows good ability of divide time domain signal into repetition time slots signal by four tunable group velocity waveguides from 0.006*c to 0.248*c where c is the velocity of light in the vacuum at the center wavelength of 1550 nm and over a bandwidth 4.52 THz with group velocity dispersion below 10 2 ps2/km. New high efficiency Y-type directional coupling output can get larger than ~1.4 times intensity and ~93% loss improvement which are comparable to conventional output device. The proposed PCs waveguide structure is leading the way to achieve the TDM application and has good capability to extend the application of the optical communication and optical fiber sensors systems.
Yaw-Dong Wu, "New Design of All-Optical Slow Light Tdm Structure Based on Photonic Crystals," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 146, 89-97, 2014.

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