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A Novel Millimeter-Wave Backward to Forward Scanning Periodic Leaky-Wave Antenna Based on Two Different Radiator Types
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 168, 31-38, 2020
A periodic millimeter wave leaky-wave antenna (LWA), which has two different types of radiator elements that enable backward to forward radiation, is proposed. The unit-cell of the LWA consists of two quarter-wavelength microstrip lines and two corrugated substrate integrated waveguide (CSIW) cells with S-shaped quarter-wavelength open-circuit stubs. In addition to two parallel edge radiators, a single etched transverse slot with a tilt angle acts as an ancillary radiator, which ensures impedance matching in a large frequency range and achieves the backward to forward scanning. We analyze the proposed design through simulations, characterize a fabricated prototype and find it to have good radiation properties including broad impedance bandwidth. The measurement results show a high peak gain from 11 to 15.8 dBi with a large scanning angle range from -34° to +22° in the K-band operating frequency range.
Yiming Zhang, Hui Liu, Chenyang Meng, Yuxin Lin, Yuan Zhang, Erik Forsberg, and Sailing He, "A Novel Millimeter-Wave Backward to Forward Scanning Periodic Leaky-Wave Antenna Based on Two Different Radiator Types," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 168, 31-38, 2020.

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