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Designer Surface Plasmons Enable Terahertz Cherenkov Radiation (Invited)
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 169, 25-32, 2020
Cherenkov radiation (CR) is a promising method to generate high-power terahertz (THz) electromagnetic (EM) waves, which are highly desired in numerous practical applications. For the purpose of economy energy, naturally occurred materials with flat surface (e.g. graphene), which can support highly-confined surface-plasmon-polariton (SPP) modes, have been proposed to construct high-efficiency terahertz CR source; however, these emerging materials cannot be easily fabricated nor flexibly designed. Here, we propose a designer-SPP metamaterial scheme to pursue terahertz CR. The metamaterial is a structure-decorated metal surface, which is compatible with planar fabrication, and can support SPP-like EM modes in terahertz frequencies, also named as designer SPP. Due to the structure dependence of designer SPP, its dispersions can be flexibly designed by changing the structure geometries as well as choosing proper dielectric medias. Numerical results clearly demonstrated this scheme. Our proposal may promise future high-efficiency and intense THz source with design flexibilities.
Jie Zhang, Xiaofeng Hu, Hongsheng Chen, and Fei Gao, "Designer Surface Plasmons Enable Terahertz Cherenkov Radiation (Invited)," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 169, 25-32, 2020.

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