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An Elliptically Polarized Wave Injection Technique via TF/SF Boundary in Subdomain Level DGTD Method
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 175, 13-27, 2022
This study presents an effective solution on the basis of Discontinuous-Galerkin Time-Domain (DGTD) scheme for the injection of elliptically polarized plane wave through total-field/scattered-field (TF/SF) boundary. Generally, the elliptically polarized wave can be resolved into two linearly polarized waves in phase quadrature with the polarization planes at right angles to each other, but the proposed methodology is focused to utilize the principle of wave field formation to induce left-handed or right-handed elliptically polarized waves by regulating the phase and amplitude of the incident waves. The outcome of the proposed technique is achieved by deriving the EB-scheme equations and employing the explicit fourth order Runge-Kutta (RK4) time integration scheme in the DGTD methodology. An anisotropic Riemann solver and non-conformal mesh schemes are introduced for domain decomposition to allow efficient spatial discretization. Additionally, the proposed work is extended from single frequency to broadband elliptical polarized plane wave injection in the DGTD method, and the significance of this study is observed in the results. The experimental outcomes reveal that the proposed method is consistent with the analytical solution in free space and expected to provide efficient numerical solutions for analyzing scattering characteristics generated by various elliptically polarized waves.
Xiaobing Han, Hang Li, Yuanguo Zhou, Lin Wang, Shangqing Liang, and Fawad Javaid, "An Elliptically Polarized Wave Injection Technique via TF/SF Boundary in Subdomain Level DGTD Method," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 175, 13-27, 2022.

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