Vol. 74
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Characterization of Perfectly Conducting Targets in Resonance Domain with Their Quality of Resonance
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 74, 69-84, 2007
In resonance domain, the radar scattering response of any object can be modelled by natural poles of resonance with the formalism of the Singularity Expansion Method. The mapping of these poles in the complex plane gives useful information for the discrimination of a radar target, as its general shape, its characteristic dimension and its constitution. In this paper, we use an analogy with resonant circuits modelling to define the quality factor Q of each resonance. Therefore, we propose to characterize the resonance behavior of perfectly conducting targets with this quality factor Q and the natural pulsation of resonance ω0. Indeed, this new representation in {ω0;Q} allows to better separate information than the usual mapping of natural poles of resonance in the complex plane. For perfectly conducting canonical and complex shape targets, we present results exhibiting advantages of these two parameters {ω0;Q}.
Janic Chauveau, Nicole de Beaucoudrey, and Joseph Saillard, "Characterization of Perfectly Conducting Targets in Resonance Domain with Their Quality of Resonance," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 74, 69-84, 2007.

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