Vol. 97
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Solution to Electromagnetic Scattering by BI-Isotropic Media Using Multilevel Green's Function Interpolation Method
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 97, 259-274, 2009
In this paper, a multilevel Green's function interpolation method (MLGFIM) is developed to analyze electromagnetic scattering from an arbitrarily shaped three-dimensional objects comprised of both conductor and bi-isotropic media. The field decomposition method is adopted to split the homogeneous bi-isotropic media into two uncoupled isotropic media instead of direct calculation of complicated Green's function in bi-isotropic material. The problem is formulated using the Paggio-Miller-Chang-Harrington-Wu-Tsai (PMCHWT) approach for multiple homogeneous isotropic media and electric field approach for conducting bodies. The resultant integral equations are discretized by the method of moment (MoM) and iteratively solved by MLGFIM. Numerical examples illustrate accuracy of this algorithm and CPU time of O(Nlog N) and memory requirement of O(N).
Yan Shi, and Chi Hou Chan, "Solution to Electromagnetic Scattering by BI-Isotropic Media Using Multilevel Green's Function Interpolation Method," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 97, 259-274, 2009.

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