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Diffraction of Electromagnetic Plane Wave by an Impedance Strip
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 75, 303-318, 2007
This paper investigates the scattering of electromagnetic plane wave from an impedance strip. Both E- and H-polarizations are considered. The method of analysis is Kobayashi potential, which uses the discontinuous properties of Weber-Schafheitlin's integrals. Imposition of boundary conditions result in dual integral equations. Using the projection, equations reduces to matrix equations. The elements are given in terms of infinite integrals that contains the poles for particular values of surface impedance and these integrals are computed numerically. Far diffracted fields in the upper half space for different angles of incident are computed. To check the validity of the results, we have derived the physical optics (PO) approximate solutions. Numerical results for both the methods are compared. The agreement is good. Current distribution on the strip is also presented.
Amjad Imran, Qaisar Naqvi, and Kohei Hongo, "Diffraction of Electromagnetic Plane Wave by an Impedance Strip," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 75, 303-318, 2007.

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