Vol. 82
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The Methods of External Excitation for Analysis of Arbitrarily-Shaped Hollow Conducting Waveguides
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 82, 203-226, 2008
A new numerical technique is proposed for analyzing arbitrary shaped hollow waveguides. The method is based on mathematically modelling of physical response of a system to excitation over a range of frequencies. The response amplitudes are then used to determine the resonant frequencies. The results of the numerical experiments justifying the method are presented. The method is validated by circular waveguide,rectangular waveguide an equilateral triangular waveguide. We apply the method for multi connected domains and for waveguides with boundary singularities like the Lshaped waveguide. Good agreements between the simulated and the published results have been obtained. The method does not generate spurious eigenfrequencies.
Sergiy Reutskiy, "The Methods of External Excitation for Analysis of Arbitrarily-Shaped Hollow Conducting Waveguides," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 82, 203-226, 2008.

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