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A Novel Dual Band Transmitter Using Microstrip Defected Ground Structure
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 83, 1-11, 2008
This paper presented a novel dual band transmitter which operates as power amplifier or frequency doubler with the stop band characteristic of defected ground structure (DGS). It works as a power amplifier at 2.4GHz which satisfies the 802.11b/g wireless LAN standard or performs as an active frequency doubler at 6.8GHz which depends on the input frequency and. The equivalent circuit and the stop band characteristic of the proposed microstrip DGS are analyzed and simulated. For the proposed transmitter, second harmonic suppression is below -52.6dBc in the amplifier mode, and fundamental suppression is below -41dBc in the frequency doubler mode with the stop band characteristic of DGS. The designed transmitter used GaAs InGaP Heterojunction broadband MMIC. It achieves 13.7dBm of P1dB and its gain is 16.5dB in amplifier mode, and its maximum output power is 7.8dBm at 6.8GHz in frequency double mode.
Xiao-Qun Chen, Xiao-Wei Shi, Yu-Chun Guo, and Min-Xiao Xiao, "A Novel Dual Band Transmitter Using Microstrip Defected Ground Structure," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 83, 1-11, 2008.

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