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An Automatic Model Order Reduction of a UWB Antenna System
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 104, 267-282, 2010
This paper proposes an efficient and automatic means of achieving a reduced model of a transfer function for UWB antenna design. According to the formulation of a transfer function, we have derived two factors, which are critical in determining the radiation pattern and input impedance respectively. Their special formula allow us to establish a reduced model automatically using the Model Order Reduction (MOR) techniques of a second order system. The process is free of any human factors and suitable to any antenna systems, thus enabling a direct and efficient interface with the optimization process in the design of a UWB antenna system. In addition, the proposed way of establishing a transfer function of the whole antenna system has successfully cascaded the entire system into separate subsystems, thus offering deeper insights in analyzing a UWB antenna system.
Zhan Zhang, and Yee Hui Lee, "An Automatic Model Order Reduction of a UWB Antenna System," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 104, 267-282, 2010.

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