Vol. 113
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Numerical Analysis of Enhanced Transmission through a Single Subwavelength Aperture Based on Mie Resonance Single Particle
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 113, 211-226, 2011
We numerically demonstrate that the transmission through a deep subwavelength (λ0/20) aperture in a metal plate could be greatly enhanced owing to the resonance effects of a high permittivity (κ) dielectric cube tightly coupled to the aperture. The transmission enhancement originates from the confinement and re-radiation of the electromagnetic energy impinging onto the high κ cube which operates in the 1st Mie resonance mode, and behaves as an ultra-small magnetic dipole antenna. The complex permittivity of the cube governs the operating frequency and the enhancement in terms of bandwidth and transmissivity maximum. Additionally, based on the isotropic response of the high κ cube with dimensions comparable to the aperture size, the almost independence of the enhancement properties on the illumination polarization and incidence angle was assessed.
Lei Kang, Veronique Sadaune, and Didier Lippens, "Numerical Analysis of Enhanced Transmission through a Single Subwavelength Aperture Based on Mie Resonance Single Particle," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 113, 211-226, 2011.

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