Vol. 121
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Evolution and Collapse of a Lorentz Beam in Kerr Medium
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 121, 39-52, 2011
The effect of Kerr nonlinearity on a Lorentz beam is investigated by using the nonlinear Schrődinger (NLS) equation. Based on the variational method, the evolution of a Lorentz beam in a Kerr medium is demonstrated and the critical collapse powers of the Lorentz beam are derived. Numerical simulations of the propagation of a Lorentz beam in a Kerr medium show that the beam becomes quasi-circular in a very short distance. Although the beam width of the Lorentz beam broadens, the central part of the beam give rise to a partial collapse.
Rui Pin Chen, and Chong Heng Raymond Ooi, "Evolution and Collapse of a Lorentz Beam in Kerr Medium," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 121, 39-52, 2011.

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