Vol. 122
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A Fast Inverse Polynomial Reconstruction Method Based on Conformal Fourier Transformation
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 122, 119-136, 2012
A fast Inverse Polynomial Reconstruction Method (IPRM) is proposed to efficiently eliminate the Gibbs phenomenon in Fourier reconstruction of discontinuous functions. The framework of the fast IPRM is modified by reconstructing the function in discretized elements, then the Conformal Fourier Transform (CFT) and the Chirp Z-Transform (CZT) algorithms are applied to accelerate the evaluation of reconstruction coefficients. The memory cost of the fast IPRM is also significantly reduced, owing to the transformation matrix being discretized in the modified framework. The computation complexity and memory cost of the fast IPRM are O(MN log 2L) and O(MN), respectively, where L is the number of the discretized elements, M is the degree of polynomials for the reconstruction of each element, and N is the number of the Fourier series. Numerical results demonstrate that the fast IPRM method not only inherits the robustness of the Generalized IPRM (G-IPRM) method, but also significantly reduces the computation time and the memory cost. Therefore, the fast IPRM method is useful for the pseudospectral time domain methods and for the volume integral equation of the discontinuous material distributions.
Zhe Liu, Qing Huo Liu, Chun-Hui Zhu, and Jianyu Yang, "A Fast Inverse Polynomial Reconstruction Method Based on Conformal Fourier Transformation," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 122, 119-136, 2012.

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