Vol. 139
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A Compact Inductively Loaded Monopole Antenna for Future UWB Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 139, 265-275, 2013
A novel inductively loaded monopole for current and future ultra-wide-band (UWB) applications is presented. The antenna is compact and of small size (16 mm×20 mm×0.8 mm), and offer a very simple geometry suitable for low cost fabrication and straightforward printed circuit board integration. More specifically, the impedance matching of the classic printed loop loaded monopole is improved by employment of the tapered microstrip feed line between K-connector and the printed monopole. By using this technique, impedance bandwidth (S11 < -10 dB) from 3.03 GHz to over 40 GHz is obtained. Measured and simulated return losses curves are provided along with radiation patterns and gain, as a function of frequency. Compared to the recently reported UWB antennas, the presented antenna have smallest size, widest bandwidth, and simple configuration to realize the application in current and future UWB communication systems. Furthermore, a symmetric radiation patterns and satisfactory gain make the presented antenna a suitable candidate for practical UWB applications.
Bing Gong, Jin Liang Li, Qiu-Rong Zheng, Ying-Zeng Yin, and Xueshi Ren, "A Compact Inductively Loaded Monopole Antenna for Future UWB Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 139, 265-275, 2013.

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