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Casimir Force for Arbitrary Objects Using the Argument Principle and Boundary Element Methods
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 142, 615-624, 2013
Recent progress in the simulation of Casimir forces between various objects has allowed traditional computational electromagnetic solvers to be used to find Casimir forces in arbitrary three-dimensional objects. The underlying theory to these approaches requires knowledge and manipulation of quantum field theory and statistical physics. We present a calculation of the Casimir force using the method of moments via the argument principle. This simplified derivation allows greater freedom in the moment matrix where the argument principle can be used to calculate Casimir forces for arbitrary geometries and materials with the use of various computational electromagnetic techniques.
Phillip R. Atkins, Qi Dai, Wei E. I. Sha, and Weng Cho Chew, "Casimir Force for Arbitrary Objects Using the Argument Principle and Boundary Element Methods," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 142, 615-624, 2013.

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