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An Overview of the Evolution of Method of Moments Techniques in Modern EM Simulators (Invited Paper)
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 150, 109-121, 2015
This paper presents an evolution of the challenges and solutions found in the application of techniques based on the Method of Moments until the present day. The original MoM presented very high computational restrictions that have motivated the development of more efficient approaches. The main features of these newer improvements are presented, as well as other technical details regarding preconditioning and parallelization techniques. Some representative examples are shown in order to assert the suitability of these approaches for the analysis of complex and realistic scenarios.
Carlos Delgado, Eliseo Garcia, Javier Moreno, Ivan Gonzalez-Diego, and Felipe Catedra, "An Overview of the Evolution of Method of Moments Techniques in Modern EM Simulators (Invited Paper)," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 150, 109-121, 2015.

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