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A Possible Remedy for the Oscillations Occurring in Thin-Wire MoM Analysis of Cylindrical Antennas
, Vol. 69, 77-92, 2007
Approximate, non-singular kernels are often used in moment-method formulations coping with thin-wire structures. Their use has important consequences, one of which is the appearance of oscillations in the computed currents when the number of sub-domain basis functions is sufficiently large. These oscillations are not due to round-off errors. In this paper, a smoothing procedure is used in conjunction with Galerkin's formulation with piecewise sinusoidal functions, which yields non-oscillating current distributions. Special attention is paid to the solutions over a wide range of discretization levels (number of basis/testing functions), in order to examine and illustrate the similarities and differences between results obtained with and without the proposed remedy. Finally, a comparison with results derived with the exact kernel is provided.
Panagiotis Papakanellos, and George Fikioris, "A Possible Remedy for the Oscillations Occurring in Thin-Wire MoM Analysis of Cylindrical Antennas," , Vol. 69, 77-92, 2007.

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