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An Investigation on Numerical Characterization of Scattering from Target in a Dielectric Rough Soil Surface
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 139, 423-444, 2013
Based on the Propagation-Inside-Layer Expansion (PILE) and the Forward-Backward method (FBM), the composite scattering from the target below a dielectric rough soil surface using the extended PILE (EPILE) combined with the Forward-Backward method (FBM) is studied. The accuracy and efficiency of the EPILE+FBM for this specific type of composite scattering is researched by comparing with the method of moments (MOM), the influences of the target size, target depth, target horizontal distance, the rms height, the correlation length, the incident angle and the soil moisture content, etc, to the bistatic scattering coefficient (BSC) are also investigated.
Yu Liang, Xiang-Hua Zeng, Li-Xin Guo, and Zhen-Sen Wu, "An Investigation on Numerical Characterization of Scattering from Target in a Dielectric Rough Soil Surface," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 139, 423-444, 2013.

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